
Today, possessing fundamental skills in market research isn’t just a good to have; it’s essential! Don’t believe me? A recent global study by Tableau and Forrester found that 82% of managers and business leaders “expect basic data literacy from employees in every department." And yet, only 40% of employees report having the “data skills they're expected to have.

The truth is, in today's world, everyone needs strong foundations in data literacy. But if you want to get ahead, you need more than foundational skills and knowledge. You need expertise!

With a Masters degree in information science, I have more than 10 years of experience building data science and research teams at large-scale advertising agencies and research firms, as well as working with global brands helping business leaders make better, evidence-based decisions.

This course has been designed and built around my 10+ years of experience working with and teaching global brands, agencies, consultancies and even governments how to conduct market research effectively.

If you're looking for a zero-to-hero course in market research that covers a wide range of methodologies, look no further. In this course, I'll cover the fundamentals of market research, and deep dive into each of the core methodologies such as interviews, ethnography and surveys. We'll even explore how you can use generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to augment how you work.

Some of the key topics covered include:

  • The different types of research methodologies, from primary and secondary to qualitative to quantitative.

  • Writing an effective research brief.

  • Conducting secondary research (aka desktop research), from statistical analysis to literature reviews.

  • Deep dives on qualitative methods including interviews, focus groups, shop-alongs and ethnography.

  • Deep dives on quantitative methods like online surveys, social media monitoring and A/B testing.

  • Managing research projects effectively using project management fundamentals and software.

  • Qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

  • Using generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, to supercharge your workflows.

You’ll also have opportunities to apply what you’ve learned through a multi-stage case study. And my course is packed with tons of downloadable resources, templates, guides and checklists that will make you a research superhero.

So whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to acquire skills to test and validate ideas, or considering a career in the market research industry, or just looking to level up your data skills, this is the course for you!


Today, possessing fundamental skills in market research isn’t just a good to have; it’s essential! Don’t believe me? A recent global study by Tableau and Forrester found that 82% of managers and business leaders “expect basic data literacy from employees in every department." And yet, only 40% of employees report having the “data skills they're expected to have.

The truth is, in today's world, everyone needs strong foundations in data literacy. But if you want to get ahead, you need more than foundational skills and knowledge. You need expertise!

With a Masters degree in information science, I have more than 10 years of experience building data science and research teams at large-scale advertising agencies and research firms, as well as working with global brands helping business leaders make better, evidence-based decisions.

This course has been designed and built around my 10+ years of experience working with and teaching global brands, agencies, consultancies and even governments how to conduct market research effectively.

If you're looking for a zero-to-hero course in market research that covers a wide range of methodologies, look no further. In this course, I'll cover the fundamentals of market research, and deep dive into each of the core methodologies such as interviews, ethnography and surveys. We'll even explore how you can use generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to augment how you work.

Some of the key topics covered include:

  • The different types of research methodologies, from primary and secondary to qualitative to quantitative.

  • Writing an effective research brief.

  • Conducting secondary research (aka desktop research), from statistical analysis to literature reviews.

  • Deep dives on qualitative methods including interviews, focus groups, shop-alongs and ethnography.

  • Deep dives on quantitative methods like online surveys, social media monitoring and A/B testing.

  • Managing research projects effectively using project management fundamentals and software.

  • Qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

  • Using generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, to supercharge your workflows.

You’ll also have opportunities to apply what you’ve learned through a multi-stage case study. And my course is packed with tons of downloadable resources, templates, guides and checklists that will make you a research superhero.

So whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to acquire skills to test and validate ideas, or considering a career in the market research industry, or just looking to level up your data skills, this is the course for you!

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为此,三节课邀请了一线大厂海外运营总监Daisy W带来本节课程,聚焦有针对性地培训职场人士如何高效运用ChatGPT助手。



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为此,三节课邀请了一线大厂海外运营总监Daisy W带来本节课程,聚焦有针对性地培训职场人士如何高效运用ChatGPT助手。




Apakah Anda ingin memberi tenaga pada bisnis menggunakan kecerdasan buatan (AI)?

Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Hebatkan bisnis Anda dengan menggunakan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) dengan mempelajari video course Sukses Bisnis dengan Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) dan ChatGPT ini.

Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami tentang Bisnis menggunakan ChatGPT di UDEMY! Semua penjelasan disampaikan dalam Bahasa INDONESIA dan dilengkapi referensi yang lengkap.

Tidak memandang apakah Anda belum pernah bekerja di bidang kecerdasan buatan dan dunia bisnis sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui cara paling dasar menggunakan mesin pencari, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda tentang konsep kecerdasan buatan, perkembangan AI, dan praktik sehari-hari melejitkan potensi bisnis menggunakan ChatGPT secara efektif dan singkat, tepat, serta jelas!

Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, quiz, dan artikel, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Cukup komputer yang bisa dimiliki siapapun.

Video course  ini akan mengajarkan Anda menggunakan ChatGPT dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan langkah-langkah, perintah, dan prompt dengan disertai penjelasan-penjelasan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara  yang terbaik untuk Anda!

Kami akan memulainya dengan pengenalan kecerdasan buatan. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menggunakan perintah-perintah pada ChatGPT dan mengupas langkah-langkah praktis lainnya.

Topik yang akan dibahas kemudian adalah:

  • Mengenal apa itu Artificial Intelligence

  • Mengenal ChatGPT, pencarian informasi, dan perbandingannya dengan mesin pencari

  • Membuat ChatGPT Prompt yang baik, pengenalan anatomi, dan prompt engineering

  • Memanfaatkan ChatGPT untuk men-translate bahasa, mendapatkan inspirasi bisnis, dan analisis product description

  • Pembuatan estimasi harga jual produk, pembuatan jingle, dan penyusunan visi misi

  • Mengelola social media dengan menggunakan ChatGPT, pembuatan script Youtube, membuat kalender postingan

  • Mengoptimalkan ChatGPT untuk Human Resource (HR), mencari calon pegawai, menyiapkan tes wawancara, menyusun SOP dan SPK (Surat Perjanjian Kerja)

  • ChatGPT untuk mengatasi masalah finance, menghitung penyusutan, menentukan upah harian, pembuatan kwitansi, membuat tabel shift work

  • Menentukan output format: kalimat, paragraf, esai, CSV, list, tabel, kode program, dialog, TV script

  • Analisis data dengan ChatGPT, pembuatan tabel, menghitung data tabel, operasi matematika, export MS Excel, dan Linear Regression

  • ChatGPT untuk marketing, cross-selling, testing A/B, market research, dan call-to-action

Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Kami bisa mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa video course ini adalah yang terlengkap dan terbaik tentang ChatGPT. Tidak percaya? Buktikan sendiri!


Apakah Anda ingin memberi tenaga pada bisnis menggunakan kecerdasan buatan (AI)?

Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Hebatkan bisnis Anda dengan menggunakan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) dengan mempelajari video course Sukses Bisnis dengan Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) dan ChatGPT ini.

Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami tentang Bisnis menggunakan ChatGPT di UDEMY! Semua penjelasan disampaikan dalam Bahasa INDONESIA dan dilengkapi referensi yang lengkap.

Tidak memandang apakah Anda belum pernah bekerja di bidang kecerdasan buatan dan dunia bisnis sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui cara paling dasar menggunakan mesin pencari, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda tentang konsep kecerdasan buatan, perkembangan AI, dan praktik sehari-hari melejitkan potensi bisnis menggunakan ChatGPT secara efektif dan singkat, tepat, serta jelas!

Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, quiz, dan artikel, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Cukup komputer yang bisa dimiliki siapapun.

Video course  ini akan mengajarkan Anda menggunakan ChatGPT dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan langkah-langkah, perintah, dan prompt dengan disertai penjelasan-penjelasan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara  yang terbaik untuk Anda!

Kami akan memulainya dengan pengenalan kecerdasan buatan. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menggunakan perintah-perintah pada ChatGPT dan mengupas langkah-langkah praktis lainnya.

Topik yang akan dibahas kemudian adalah:

  • Mengenal apa itu Artificial Intelligence

  • Mengenal ChatGPT, pencarian informasi, dan perbandingannya dengan mesin pencari

  • Membuat ChatGPT Prompt yang baik, pengenalan anatomi, dan prompt engineering

  • Memanfaatkan ChatGPT untuk men-translate bahasa, mendapatkan inspirasi bisnis, dan analisis product description

  • Pembuatan estimasi harga jual produk, pembuatan jingle, dan penyusunan visi misi

  • Mengelola social media dengan menggunakan ChatGPT, pembuatan script Youtube, membuat kalender postingan

  • Mengoptimalkan ChatGPT untuk Human Resource (HR), mencari calon pegawai, menyiapkan tes wawancara, menyusun SOP dan SPK (Surat Perjanjian Kerja)

  • ChatGPT untuk mengatasi masalah finance, menghitung penyusutan, menentukan upah harian, pembuatan kwitansi, membuat tabel shift work

  • Menentukan output format: kalimat, paragraf, esai, CSV, list, tabel, kode program, dialog, TV script

  • Analisis data dengan ChatGPT, pembuatan tabel, menghitung data tabel, operasi matematika, export MS Excel, dan Linear Regression

  • ChatGPT untuk marketing, cross-selling, testing A/B, market research, dan call-to-action

Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Kami bisa mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa video course ini adalah yang terlengkap dan terbaik tentang ChatGPT. Tidak percaya? Buktikan sendiri!


         В этом курсе мы  точечно пройдем по основным инструментам  нейросетей, которые помогут вам и Вашему бизнесу стать более продуктивными, креативными, идти в ногу со временем, будучи всегда на шаг впереди ваших конкурентов.

         Курс содержит более 1 часа видеоматериалов по теме.

          Мы разберем как мы можем использовать нейросети для того чтобы в разы увеличить нашу продуктивность и креативность в подготовке бизнес-презентаций, аналитических отчетов, создании корпоративного стиля, наполнении интернет-магазинов, а также научимся автоматизировать выполнение наших аналитических задач с помощью нейросетей, использовать их потенциал в сфере копирайта, спичрайтинга, иллюстрации и многое другое.

Просмотрев этот курс Вы научитесь:

  • понимать принцип работы нейроситей

  • работать с PROMPT-запросами

  • как использовать нейросети для выполнения бизнес-целей

  • оптимизировать и автоматизировать выполнение задач с помощью нейросетей

  • повысить ефективность и оперативность выполнения зачач с помощью нейронок

  • анализировать данные с помощью нейронок

  • исподбзовать нейросети в сфере маркетинга и дизайна

Также мы разберем:

как одна нейросеть помаает общаться с другой (или же создадим текстовый PROMPT для графической нейросети с помощью текстовой);

особености использования графических нейросетей;

          Это не глубинный курс по устройству нейросетей и особенностях их функционирования, в нем не будет заумных фраз и определений. Курс рассчитан на обычного бизнес-пользователя, который хочет научиться использовать нейросети как инструмент чтобы идти в ногу со временем, повысить оперативность и качество выполняемых задач. Прохождение этого курса формирует базисное понимание того как можно использовать нейронки в разных сферах деятельности, и адаптировав эти знания к своей сфере Вы значительно продвинетесь среди конкурентов.


         В этом курсе мы  точечно пройдем по основным инструментам  нейросетей, которые помогут вам и Вашему бизнесу стать более продуктивными, креативными, идти в ногу со временем, будучи всегда на шаг впереди ваших конкурентов.

         Курс содержит более 1 часа видеоматериалов по теме.

          Мы разберем как мы можем использовать нейросети для того чтобы в разы увеличить нашу продуктивность и креативность в подготовке бизнес-презентаций, аналитических отчетов, создании корпоративного стиля, наполнении интернет-магазинов, а также научимся автоматизировать выполнение наших аналитических задач с помощью нейросетей, использовать их потенциал в сфере копирайта, спичрайтинга, иллюстрации и многое другое.

Просмотрев этот курс Вы научитесь:

  • понимать принцип работы нейроситей

  • работать с PROMPT-запросами

  • как использовать нейросети для выполнения бизнес-целей

  • оптимизировать и автоматизировать выполнение задач с помощью нейросетей

  • повысить ефективность и оперативность выполнения зачач с помощью нейронок

  • анализировать данные с помощью нейронок

  • исподбзовать нейросети в сфере маркетинга и дизайна

Также мы разберем:

как одна нейросеть помаает общаться с другой (или же создадим текстовый PROMPT для графической нейросети с помощью текстовой);

особености использования графических нейросетей;

          Это не глубинный курс по устройству нейросетей и особенностях их функционирования, в нем не будет заумных фраз и определений. Курс рассчитан на обычного бизнес-пользователя, который хочет научиться использовать нейросети как инструмент чтобы идти в ногу со временем, повысить оперативность и качество выполняемых задач. Прохождение этого курса формирует базисное понимание того как можно использовать нейронки в разных сферах деятельности, и адаптировав эти знания к своей сфере Вы значительно продвинетесь среди конкурентов.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and associated technologies are increasingly dominant at all levels of business and now commonly applied to healthcare as well. AI technologies are transforming many aspects of medicine including patient care and administrative applications within provider, payer, and pharmaceutical operations. Data integration and analytics also play a key role in the proliferation of AI tools and resources across the industry.

Familiarity with the implications and applications of AI in healthcare is important for those working in healthcare administration and technology fields but can also be advantageous for providers looking to leverage the benefits of AI to understand the resources to potentially enhance their practice of medicine. The Certificate of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence/AI Proficiency course provides a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic topic in healthcare.

At the completion of this course the learner will be able to:

Define and describe the concepts of artificial intelligence in healthcare

Explain the major types of AI and their application to healthcare

Outline the Challenges and Implications of AI

Examine the Implications of AI on Clinicians and the Workforce

Demonstrate a applied understanding of AI in healthcare using a short hands-on exercise

Discuss the future of AI in healthcare

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and associated technologies are increasingly dominant at all levels of business and now commonly applied to healthcare as well. AI technologies are transforming many aspects of medicine including patient care and administrative applications within provider, payer, and pharmaceutical operations. Data integration and analytics also play a key role in the proliferation of AI tools and resources across the industry.

Familiarity with the implications and applications of AI in healthcare is important for those working in healthcare administration and technology fields but can also be advantageous for providers looking to leverage the benefits of AI to understand the resources to potentially enhance their practice of medicine. The Certificate of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence/AI Proficiency course provides a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic topic in healthcare.

At the completion of this course the learner will be able to:

Define and describe the concepts of artificial intelligence in healthcare

Explain the major types of AI and their application to healthcare

Outline the Challenges and Implications of AI

Examine the Implications of AI on Clinicians and the Workforce

Demonstrate a applied understanding of AI in healthcare using a short hands-on exercise

Discuss the future of AI in healthcare